Some Things I Understand Better Now

by Cecil Hook

Have older folks always seemed to be non-conforming and different to you? Well — cantankerous, stubborn, and uncooperative? Here are a few things I better understand now. You may, too, if you live long enough.

Why the old fellow who can see to read and drive cannot see the long whiskers he misses when shaving.

Why the county fair holds no more appeal to them.

Why they are not impressed with the zealous youth who has just discovered all the great secrets of success and meaningful life which he or she is eager to pass on to them.

Why those in their golden years prefer to stay home at night, and home fare is preferred over eating out.

How they see hope in the innocence and potential in little children which they fear older youth have already lost.

How Grandpa and Granny may express love to each other by pretended grouching instead of sentimental words.

Why they speak more loudly than in former years.

Why they reject the prevalent idea that only new, up-to-date things are of real value.

Why older ones resist manipulation by speakers who use techniques to involve them publicly in interactions.

Why they may be happy for the whole tribe to come for a visit but are relieved when they go home.

Why they take fewer snapshots but recall and relive those treasured snapshots of life in the album of the heart

Why any program that exceeds an hour is too long.

Why old men are always looking for a rest room.

Why their likely table setting is bowls and big spoons.

Why they have few suggestions to offer for gifts for their birthdays and Christmas.

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